Ideasforward is a platform founded in 2014 with the objective of organizing international architectural competitions.
In 2020, we will expand our activity through the introduction of debates, exhibitions, formation and development of partnerships with other entities with common goals.
We believe that the future depends on valuing architecture through the education of society as a whole. This is how the partnership between IF and Exposalão is born, which, for the first time, are launching an 'architectural award' edition - DECOR HOTEL DESIGN AWARD.
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24h competition
24h competition
24h competition
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memories - International Moon Station
6th edition
We take on the premise that it is impossible to live without forgetting. Memory is like a mirror, a souls perfume, a conscience placed in time from where we can observe the past and those that are absent, calling them to us. By conserving not only their ideas, but also their order and position we can make part of the world they lived in. Memory is, therefore, the psychiatric faculty that allows us to retain and recall past events. Throughout history, monuments and buildings were ordered to be constructed, streets and cities were named in memory of someone’s achievements that deserve to be remembered by the people. This human need to preserve the past for future memories comes since Ancient Mesopotamia times. The importance of passing on this knowledge to the future generations as an effort to maintain the history of human kind alive, by registering its most striking and defining moments, is an imperative of our society ! Keeps alive the moments !! Our need to perpetuate the achievements and features, either cultural or material, of different generations comes from a long time ago and that preservation takes different forms.
MUSEUM We have created the concept of Museums: a public space where we gather historical testimonials, artistic or scientific objects with the purpose of educating and also recalling. This kind of institution exists since before Ancient Times but the Museum as we know it has only been established since the XVII century.
TIME CAPSULE A time capsule is an original way to preserve memories for future generations. The concept is to keep and hide a set of information and objects related to a certain period of history, so that future historians, archaeologists and anthropologists, may have a better knowledge of a particular period of history and humanity. An early example of a time box, was the Detroit Century Box on December 31, 1900. This was full of photos and letters from 56 residents, with descriptions of life in 1900 and predictions of the future. This box was planned open 100 years later.
In this exercise, we intend to discuss the theme of memory, as it should be preserved and maintained for future generations. Thus, inspired by the concept of a Time Capsule, we transpose it to a museum. A museum buried to be opened in the year 3000. This Time Museum will be buried for future generations to experience the same feelings we felt and still feel. For this we resort to the five senses: Wich memorie, historical event or character would fit best with each sense and what would be the best way to showcase it? Hearing / Taste / Smell / Touch / Sight Area: Approx. 100m2 / min height 3m max 12m. Location: There is no specific location, each one is free to choose the location. Deployment: Underground, buried 50 meters beneath the surface. Access: Vertical and underhanded, at least 15 meters of the surface. Materials – The materials should be resistant to time. Descriptive document (english): Each proposal must be accompanied by the descriptive document and justification of the project in the display panel. Construction details: Construction details or construction process should be presented. Scale – Scale appropriate to the submitted elements.

1st Place

Team: Deborah Feldman and Cosmin O. Galatianu
City: Bucharest
Country: Romania
2nd Place

Team: Simon Oudiette
City: Strasbourg
Country: France
3rd Place

Team: Joanna Orlowska, Adrianna Gilert
City: Gdansk
Country: Poland
Honorable Mentions

Team: Esteban Ponso, Maximiliano Torchio
City: Cordoba
Country: Argentina

Team: Tommaso Grassi, Carlo Bergonzini, Marco Paselli, Beatrice Scardovi
City: Bologna
Country: Italy

Team: Sebastian Mora and Daniel Herrera
City: Medellín
Country: Colombia

Team: Hung Nguyen
City: Hanoi
Country: Vietnam

Team: André Pimentel, José Cunha
City: Coimbra
Country: Portugal

Team: Ana Rita Vale, André Calvete
City: Porto
Country: Portugal

Team: Nurhayat Oz
City: Istanbul
Country: Turkey
Juries comments
24H competition
“I was thrilled about the 6th edition’s Memories theme. I enjoyed looking through each proposal’s interpretation on how to preserve and represent our constantly evolving built and natural environments. Some proposals conveyed the future consequences of ignoring present-day situations, while also acknowledging the physical limitations that humans have with the forces of nature. Others showcased our current daily lives through imaginative and detailed ways that were impressive for a 24-hour competition.
Although every proposal was different, it was interesting to see common ideas emerge. The proposals are a small yet solid overview of the cultural symbols, environmental issues, technology, and the emotions that gradually became part of our collective consciousness at this point in time. From that, they indicate a strong interest in continuing the global discussion of how our lifestyles now will affect the next millennium.” Justine Testado
“memories could bring us major proposals with a great interest and made us all think about the past, present and future” António Labrincha
“Well-organized competition, with a very appealing format”. Augusto Marcelino
“Interesting exercise to explore the different ideas and forms to answer a very subjective question. The proposers had the opportunity to study themes as time, evolution, memories, facts, and establish a priority to the project. The proposals were in general very interesting”. Atelier do Cardoso
1st place - ID000360 Team: Deborah Feldman, Ana Miscu, City: Bucharest, Country: Romania
“This aptly titled proposal stands out with its elegant, thematically cohesive approach. Through the universal pastime of stargazing, it invigorates the senses by instilling invaluable curiosity. The proposal poetically alludes to “cherishing the moment” as described in the competition brief as well as the familiar notion of making the best of each day -- and night -- of the present. It also creatively expresses the integration of basic natural elements and forces (air, water, light, gravity) working harmoniously with an ancient device invented by humans.” Justine Testado
“Great proposal and highly effective in result”.António Labrincha
“Future and past “captured” on an intriguing and timeless way, although sequence of events could be difficult to predict. Poetic, elegante approach to memory and what a museum / time capsule could be”. Augusto Marcelino
“A poetic way to explain the evolution of the earth and the universe, through the interpretation of memory while constellation. Through the uncertainty of how the technology will be in the year 3000 the project uses the first measuring instrument of time created by the humankind, guaranteed its functioning through its simplicity”. Atelier do Cardoso
2nd place - ID0001150 Team: Simon Oudiette, City: Strasbourg, Country: France
“The proposal’s method of showcasing a collection of capsule containers is aesthetically captivating, while also critical about our cultural worship of consumerism and its dire contributions to ongoing environmental and societal issues. Although this narrative’s dystopic slant was common among other entries, its “plot twist” on the inevitability of human oversight – despite the presence of good intentions -- in an architectural context makes it an overall compelling proposal that challenges the competition’s theme of Memory.” Justine Testado
“The space created by this proposal bring us the sense of memorie in poetic way”. António Labrincha
“Interesting thought of time, abandonment and future knowledge. The irony of predictability and presumption”. Augusto Marcelino
“A story told in direct speech that you can have the perception of the design intention that ends with the force of nature to overcome the memories, leaving only a ruin to study.
A strong image which are present all the elements, time, nature, man and memories in the form of container”. Atelier do Cardoso
3rd place - ID000760 Team: Joanna Orlowska, Adrianna Gilert, City: Berlin, Country: Germany
“The strongest aspect of this entry is how organic its design concept is, letting time and nature itself run its course to eventually reveal the museum structure within. The proposal is nicely balanced with a sense of realism to the idea of freedom with the structure’s physical barrier. The proposal is seemingly effortless and straightforward yet distinctive, proving that simple concepts truly go a long way.” Justine Testado
“Very creative project, a sensory space, strong in concept, a tectonic proposal that bring us to oniric space”. António Labrincha
“Careful consideration on the interaction between man and museum. Appealing location and promenade with a dichotomy of freedom and “social contract”, clear metal / rough nature, leading to an introspective yet timeless perception of mankind”. Augusto Marcelino
“A strong idea represented in a very subtle way that represents the memory while relationship between time and nature. Still exploring the concept of freedom through controlled limits. A proposal for a simple but impressive and progressive geometry”. Atelier do Cardoso
Honorable Mentios
ID000100 - Team: Ana Rita Vale, André Calvete City: Porto, Country: Portugal
ID000410 - Team: Esteban Ponso, Maximiliano Torchio City: Cordoba, Country: Argentina
ID000600 - Team: Sebastian Mora, Daniel Herrera City: Colombia, Country: Colombia
ID000800 - Team: Tommaso Grassi, Carlo Bergonzini, Marco Paselli, Beatrice Scardovi City: Bologna, Country: Italy
ID0001040 - Team: Hung Nguyen City: Hanoi, Country: Vietnam
ID0001190 - Team: André Pimentel, José Cunha City: Coimbra, Country: Portugal
ID0001390 - Team: Nurhayat Oz City: Istanbul Country: Turkey
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