Ideasforward is a platform founded in 2014 with the objective of organizing international architectural competitions.
In 2020, we will expand our activity through the introduction of debates, exhibitions, formation and development of partnerships with other entities with common goals.
We believe that the future depends on valuing architecture through the education of society as a whole. This is how the partnership between IF and Exposalão is born, which, for the first time, are launching an 'architectural award' edition - DECOR HOTEL DESIGN AWARD.
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24h competition
24h competition
24h competition
24h competition
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The word hotel derived from the French term hôtel and refers to buildings that frequently welcome travelers. In recent years, the phenomenon of tourism has gained increasing importance, contributing on the one hand to the economic growth of various regions in the world, but also to the unrestrained growth of hotels whose principles are often questionable from the point of view of preservation biodiversity and sustainability of places.
We use this contest to open a debate about what the hotel rooms of the future will be? How can we reverse existing standardization? How can we think of sustainable solutions where human occupation does not pose a threat to the areas where these constructions will be built? How can technology help us to incorporate sustainable materials and practices?
In this sense, the competition aims to rethink the hotel room, combining all the future challenges.
1st place - €1000.00 + Decor Hotel DESIGN AWARD 2021 trophy
2nd place - €500.00 + Decor Hotel DESIGN AWARD 2021 trophy
3rd place - €250.00 + Decor Hotel DESIGN AWARD 2021 trophy

José Vieira Frazão, Exposalão CEO
José Vieira Frazão was born in Leiria and early on became a young entrepreneur and investor in the most diverse areas.
He created Exposalão – Exhibition Center in 1992, becoming a national reference in the events sector.
His love for hotels made him invest in hotel projects, being currently the owner of hotels in downtown Lisbon and Batalha, as well as a promoter of DECORHOTEL.

Sara Afonso, architect
She has a degree in Architecture from the Institut Supérieur d’Architecture Intercommunal Victor Horta (Belgium) and a postgraduate degree in Urban Planning Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. She attended the Painting, Drawing, and Art History courses at the National Society of Fine Arts. An illustrator of several literary works, she has also participated in exhibitions, paint-ing and murals in various private and public spaces.

Pedro Lebre, architect
Degree in architecture from the Portuguese university, completed in 1992, with a master's in architecture theory 1998/2000, from the Portuguese university of Lisbon.
He concludes the 1st year of the 3rd cycle of studies leading to a PhD in architecture at the Portuguese University of Lisbon, with approval in the curricular units.
He has been part of the atelier santa-rita arquitectos since 1991.
He created his own studio from 2002 to 2007: workshop 111, associated architects.
Managing partner of santa - rita ii & associates - since 2016.
Assistant at the Portuguese university of the project chair from 1996 to 2016.
Invited professor at the ricardo do Espírito Santo silva foundation in the technological specialization course on conservation and restoration of wood and furniture and painting on wood in the semiannual discipline of structures, materials and construction methods.
Executive editor of the magazine arqa - arquitectura e arte, from 2017 to 2018
The word hotel derived from the French term hôtel refers to buildings that frequently welcome travellers. In recent years, the phenomenon of tourism has gained increasing importance, contributing on the one hand to the economic growth of various regions in the world, but also to the unrestrained growth of hotels whose principles are often questionable from the point of view of preserving biodiversity and sustainability of places. We took advantage of this contest to open a discussion of ideas: What will the hotel rooms of the future look like? How can we reverse existing standardization? How can we think of sustainable solutions where human occupation does not pose a threat to the territory? How can technology help us to incorporate so-called sustainable materials and practices?
The “DECOR HOTEL DESIGN AWARD” is an architectural competition and aims to distinguish and enhance the best ideas based on reflection on the space of hotel rooms with about their morphology, proportion and spatial relationship.
The “DECOR HOTEL DESIGN AWARD” should reward proposals that, due to their quality and innovative dimension, contribute to an original spatial and architectural creation for a hotel room of the future.
Competitors must present an architectural proposal for a hotel room of the future that bets on the space's innovation and versatility.
The spaces to be developed are, necessarily, a sleeping area, a toilet, storage and an outside living space.
The areas of the room, its shape, volumetry, and height of the ceiling and its articulation are at the discretion of each competitor and must be well justified in the propose.
It must have an entrance through the circulation area and a direct relationship with the outside.
1st Place

Team: Oksana Pigina
City: Chelyabinsk
Country: Russian Federation
Comments: The proposal stands out for its innovation in spatial terms and for its formal uniqueness. The solution presents, due to its typology and versatility, a great constructive potential. The concept of the hotel room of the future is explored in this proposal in its various dimensions.
2nd Place

Team: Tanya Arsenyeva, Dmitry Laktionov, Yury Bodyu
City: Moscow
Country: Russian Federation
Comments: The concept of innovation and versatility was very well explored, adding the minimization of space to its essentiality. The proposal incorporates environmental concerns in itself. As a stand-alone module, it explores its anchoring in any type of geographic location context.
3rd Place

Team: Maria Lepina
City: St.Petersburg
Country: Russian Federation
Comments: Despite presenting itself as a more traditional bedroom in a first approach, the proposal reveals in the background another spatial dimension, working with light and shadow through the game of module inside the module, valuing the outer space. With regard to versatility, it demonstrates through the modular system how we can add them.
Honorable Mention

Team: Joana Mateus Ferreira
City: Ponta Delgada
Country: Portugal
Comments: The jury decided to give an honorable mention to this proposal due to the uniqueness of the concept and its location in Space.
Honorable Mantion

Team:Kristina Babyuk, Sofia Alchinova
City: Saint Petersburg
Country: Russian Federation
Comments: The jury decided to give an honorable mention to this proposal for the idea with potential, but it was not formally demonstrated.
The competition provided the starting point for a more comprehensive reflection on the theme of the hotel, thus opening a discussion forum for the various players in the sector. The ideas competition tool allows for a global openness to the presentation of innovative proposals, thus enhancing partnerships between the industry, investors and designers in the development of hotel units for the future.