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the competition ends in


Ideasforward wants to give young creative people from around the world the

opportunity to express their views of the future of societies through their

innovative and visionary proposals.

We are an experimental platform seeking progressive ideas that reflect on

emerging themes.

The eco design, sustainable architecture, new materials, concepts and technologies are compelling issues in the societies of the future and the involvement of the whole community is imperative. In an era of globalization where communication was dominated by the technological revolution, there is the need to rethink the cities and how Man can relate in a global World as well as rethink the economic, social and cultural patterns of contemporary societies.

The young creatives and thinkers are a precious commodity that we value a lot. We want to give them a voice.



A space where the time limit is used to stimulate your creativity.

The aim of this competition is to present answers in 24h to social problems, visionary ideas, humanitarian causes and sociologic problems of the contemporary societies.

Commitment, perseverance, inspiration and hard work are all the necessary bases to develop a proposal that meets the premises that will be released regularly in the brief of the competition.

We challenge you to prove your talent in 24 hours!

There is a period of registration on the competition, when it ends, starts the 24H competition!

You have 24H to develop a proposal that responds to the program contained on the brief that will only be available on the same day the competition starts.

Take the risk!





The oceans are a part of the surface of the planet occupied by sea water that surrounds the continents and currently covers about 71% of the Earth, 361 million km2.


Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Antarctic and Arctic are their names.


They give life and allow life with the 70% of oxygen they release into the atmosphere through the plankton that is in the sea.


Once again, Man is destroying a good that is yours and precious ...

«We must save the oceans if we want to save mankind» Jacques Cousteau




Download the brief here on the competition day!



the beginning of the registration period:  August  1st


Promotional registration period from August 1st to August 7th at 23:59 - Fee € 20

Regular registration period from August 8th to September 12th at 23:59 - Fee € 25

Late period of registration from September 13th to September 22th at 11:59  - Fee € 30 

After the competition start  - Fee € 50


Publication of winners and honorable mentions at on October 24th


the competition date

// September 22th to September 23 //


The competition begins on September 22th 12:00 noon and ends at September 23th 12:00 noon (London GMT + 0:00)




1st Place € 500+ publication on the website, social networks and media partners + 24H trophy +  24H registration fee



2nd Place € 150 - publication in website, social networks and media partners + 24H trophy + 24H registration fee 


3rd Place € 50 -  publication in website, social networks and media partners + 24H trophy + 24H registration fee 


7 Honorable Mentions - publication in website, social networks and media partners


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R. Güneş Gökçek

graduated with a degree in Faculty of Architecture, from Yildiz Technical University, in 2001. After working in various architectural offices until 2010, he became one of the partners of YPM in 2010, and started to implement his own projects. He founded rgg Architects in 2014. Until today, he have had various designs in Turkey, Kazakhstan, Iraq and Libya, a lot of which was fully implemented.

His projects were awarded from World Architecture Community Awards in the 18th Cycle with Allaben Pond Restaurant Building in Gaziantep, Turkey, in the 24th Cycle with Kızılelma Project in Ankara, Turkey and in the 26th Cycle with Baglum Community Center in Ankara, Turkey.

In addition, Gökçek’s projects and articles were published in various local ve international magazines such as Arredamento Mimarlık, Serbest MIMAR by TSMD, Albenaa Magazine, Designboom, Archdaily, World Architecture Community. His projects were also exhibited in many exhibitions in Turkey. R. Güneş Gökçek is the member of UIA Chamber of Architects, Turkey and TSMD.


João Sodré 

Graduated (2005) from the School of Architecture and Planning in the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP). As a researcher, he received  Master degree (2010) and PhD (2016) from the same institution. He is currently professor at  Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation (FAAP) and São Judas Tadeu University (USJT), both in São Paulo. He has been working as architect since 2005 at GRUPO SP, associated to Alvaro Puntoni. He also directed the documentaries "ELEVADO 3.5" (2007), winning film of the 12th Festival It's All True / It's all true and "PMR 29: twenty-nine minutes with Paulo Mendes da Rocha" (2010).

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Pedro Tuma


1977, São Paulo, Brazil, 2004 graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism,the University of Mackenzie, Brazil.


The architects Danilo Terra , Fernanda Sakano, Juliana Assali and Pedro Tuma direct the architecture office Terra e Tuma Arquitetos Associados , since 2006, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.


Projects developed by the office – from the reformulation of entire neighborhoods in risk areas to small residences – have in common the desire and commitment to maximize the potential of the project, from the integration of the environment to the choice of materials, combining comfort and quality as the most evident results of each work.


From a dynamic structure, Terra e Tuma preserves the capacity to act in a network, creating integrated and multidisciplinary systems unique to the development of each project. Thus, has worked in association with sociologists, anthropologists, engineers and, of course, architects.
At the time of its trajectory, the office already had projects recognized and exhibited in the Biennials of Venice, 2010 and 2016, Rotterdam, 2012, Quito, 2014, Iberoamericana 2016 and Chile, 2017.


Some projects were part of exhibitions. São Paulo informal city to new neighborhoods, Museum of the Brazilian House, São Paulo, Brazil, 2012, Urbanization of Slums, UFABC, São Bernardo do Campo Brazil, 2014, Tomie Ohtake Institute, São Paulo, Brazil, 2015 and 2016, Triennale di Milano, Milano, Italy, 2017 and How to Pronounce Design in Portuguese: Brazil Today, Lisbon, Portugal, 2017.


The main national and international awards are Morar Carioca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2010, RenovaSP, São Paulo, Brazil, 2011, ASBEA, São Paulo, Brazil, 2012 and 2014, Shortlist XIX Pan American Biennial of Architecture of Quito, Quito, Ecuador, 2014, Tomie Ohtake Institute, São Paulo, Brazil, 2015 and 2016, Archdaily Building Of The Year 2016 – House Category, 2016, X Ibero-American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism - House Category, 2016, Indicated at Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize 2016 Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA, 2016, Shortlist Debut Trienal of Lisbon Millennium BCP, Lisbon, Portugal, 2016.


João Santa Rita


Architecture course of the Superior School of Fine Arts of Lisbon (1983)

Member of the Order of Portuguese Architects, OA (1983)

Member of the Akademie Fur Baukultur (Germany)

Elected Vice-President of the Order of Architects (2011/2013)

Elected President of the Order of Architects (2014/2016)

He collaborates in the Atelier do Arquitecto José Santa-Rita (1976/1986)

He collaborates in the Atelier do Arquitecto Manuel Vicente in Macau (1986/1988)

In 1990 he created with the architect José Santa-Rita the Atelier Santa-Rita Arquitectos.

Since 2007 it has been working in Poland in partnership with Atelier Grupaplatform.

In 2016 he creates Atelier Santa-Rita and Associates.


Associate Professor at the Autonomous University of Lisbon, UAL (1998 / ...)

Visiting Professor at the University of Minnesota (U.A./1999/2000). Invited to critic; SCI-ARC, Los Angeles (U.S.A./1997); Columbia University, New York (U.S.A. / 98); University of Granada (Spain / 2003/2004); SCAD, Savannah (U.S.A., 2010); RISD, Providence (U.S.A., 2011)

Invited to Juris Member of Architecture Awards.

Participated in seminars and gave lectures in Germany, USA, Spain, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Ireland, Libya, Macao, Poland, Portugal and Russia.

Invited to participate in the Akademie Fur Baukultur meetings in Munster Osnabruk (Germany / 2003), Granada (Spain / 2008) and organized the meeting in Lisbon, 2004.

He participated in exhibitions in Germany, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Scotland, USA, Spain, Finland, France, Holland, Hong Kong, England, Italy, Portugal, Poland and Russia. He has works published in Germany, Argentina, Chile, Spain, England, Italy, Holland, Japan, Portugal and Switzerland.

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Pedro Novo


Architecture course of the Superior School of Fine Arts of Lisbon (1983)EN The studio was founded by Pedro Novo in 2003, at the same time he was working with MVarquitectos studio, Pedro Mendes Architects and later with the architect Carlos Castanheira. Participated in several projects, including the project of Yonsei college in South Korea, designed by Álvaro Siza Vieira and Carlos Castanheira. In addition to the projects, contests and works, he participated in several exhibitions in Fundão, Aveiro, Lisbon and Barcelona.

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